
Don't Forget Where You Came From


09-18-2016, 09:34 AM

Ooc:: Thread takes place before Xeph's claiming howl by the way. ;3

The Estuary had become a place of sanctuary, at least for now. Thanatos was glad to have Shiki by his side again… for he missed the small male. But things were not as positive at he hoped them to be. There was a chance of joining a pack, sure, but how long would it be before Xephyris was ready to create it? Thanatos gave a small sigh, curling up beside Shiki as he prepared for slumber that evening. But even as he did so worry gnawed at his brain. Being loners was risky business… did he have the strength to stand up for the two of them if the situation arose?

The man drifted off easily, falling into the world of sleep. Yet when Thany opened his eyes it was not to the world of the living but the dream-like world of the dead; Somnium. Thanatos rose quickly when he realized he wasn’t where he should be, spinning around as he called out his lover’s name. “Shiki…?”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Lolaf