
The Perfect Moments In Life [Birthing]


09-18-2016, 03:18 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2016, 05:57 PM by Evelyn.)


All he knew was nothingness. There was no constant stream of thought within his mind, but yet he still heard the voices outside of his confines. He knew his parents voice, but didn't know that he knew them. It was all just a part of the blissfulness of being unaware. But soon everything would change, as he barreled into the world and out of the only thing he knew. Cold, cold cold. The boy let out a pitiful whine as thr warmth he had not known was there was taken away, the need for its comforting embrace filling him with a desire he had never known. He blindly bumbled through the world until the solid yhing at his paws was gone, tiny legs flailing to find it once more. He didn't know what it was, but it was no more. He wanted it back. Twisting in his mothers jaws, he settled once he was on the solid plane once again. There was something before him, and instinct called him forward. Not knowing quite what it was, but knowing it was what he needed, thr pup groaped forward with open jaws, small sounds escaping the damp bundle. Soon he found what it was that he needed, and he ceased to make any further sounds. Well, besides the loud suckling that transpired. The large newborn felt whole and safe, warm and right away he knew what comfort was.

Soon more squealing bundles were put beside him, and even though they had shared a womb he knew not who they were. But no fear entered his new mind as his siblings joined him in the folds of their mothers belly. As soon as the little one had drank his fill, he scootched his paws around and kneeded his mothers belly. He wanted more, more of the delightful substance that made his already round belly even more so. But he had lost his spot. His noce bumped on something warm and wet, but he knew what was before him. He relatched, not knowing that he had pushed a sibling out of the way. He was a greedy one, this large boy. His belly was already full, but it was the comfort that he sought at his mothers teet. There was so many new things around him, too much for his fresh new mind to comprehend. He fed until he could feed no more, very ungracefully flopping over to his side. His overly round flank moved up and down, and the boy once again entered the darkness that was known as sleep.