
I'm A Songbird With A Brand New Track



5 Years
09-18-2016, 04:34 PM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

Tonrar would follow her idly as she moved around to the front of the structure. His brown colored nose would twitch every so often as he sniffed around, but in the end nothing of interest would catch his attention. Other than the building being absolutely abnormal to him, nothing smelled out of the ordinary. Instead he'd focus on the opening as Karabela moved without fear before telling him she'd been living in the same place.

"That's convenient." He spoke softly.

He followed her into the cabin with light steps. He'd peer around it for a few moments before glancing back at his companion. To his surprise she'd jumped up on something quite soft and he'd eye it as it bounced under her. So it was squishy? Brows would furrow as she asked him what it was and he rolled his shoulders in a shrug.

"Beats me. It looks comfortable so maybe something slept on it?" That was his best guess at least.

He was more surprised to hear that she was planning on making her own pack. An ear would flick in her direction as he moved about the cabin some more. Most things seemed broken and the place was dusty and clearly unused. If it didn't look like it was about to fall apart any minute he might have considered staying in it. Well, he would have considered it if she hadn't just offered him a home. He'd look back at her with a thoughtful expression.

"I hadn't thought of joining a pack in this land, but if I can't find my sister I'll join up with you and your pack." He'd spent months searching for Una already. If he didn't find her within the next few weeks... well joining a pack and moving on with his life didn't seem like a bad idea.


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[Image: 3pAOohN.png]