
The Past Snows


06-20-2013, 08:53 PM


Flyn slowly made his way through the snow, sniffing the new land as he went. There were so many new smells, and so many new places to see. He just didn't know where to start! Taking in a deep breath Flyn continued forward, the smell of wolf on his tongue. Wanting to see the source of the smell Flyn quietly creeped forward, making hardly a sound as his paws smashed the snow beneath him. Sly as a fox Flyn rounded a bush and spotted the she-wolf. Studying her deep, midnight black fur, Flyn wondered what she was doing here all alone. Not knowing where he was, he didn't even think that this place could be anyone's home. With another step forward he ducked behind a frozen log, keeping his eyes on the pitch-black stranger. Once he'd had enough waiting he stepped out into the open, hoping that he could trust the she-wolf.

"Heyy," He barked, attempting to get the strange wolf's attention, Why are you out here all alone? The monsters could get you!" Flyn laughed to himself after he added the last part. He was always trying to joke around, and he did enjoy doing it. Taking a breath he raised his tail, taking a step forward. He didn't trust her yet and he wanted her to clearly see that he was boss, or at least for now. Getting attacked was not on Flyn's agenda today. Finally after a moment of silence, Flyn perked his ears and waited for the midnight colored she-wolf's reply.

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