
Return of a Stranger



7 Years
Extra large
09-18-2016, 05:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2016, 05:14 PM by Brutus.)


When the leopard scent's source had been confirmed, he retreated back a couple steps to remain a respectful distance away from her since he'd had to get closer to detect it. He lifted his ears and listened to her explanation with increasing interest. So many questions arose from those three simple statements. He couldn't help but feel a bit silly for proposing the idea of running away from her seeing eye cat. Though, it did confirm his initial inquiry as to whether or not she was blind.

"I see--" 'Oh dear, really Brutus?" he thought to himself, sighing inwardly as he realized that the words he had chosen might not have been the most appropriate.

"I understand," he said apologetically.

"She is your traveling companion, then? That is.. a mild relief." With his well articulation, he continued- a sort of clicking of his teeth with each thoughtfully spoken word, "That is very interesting, did you train her to help you or did she simply offer?" He had little intellectual experience with other species, he had no idea what to think. Did leopards even talk? Was it a trade? Armai protects, the leopard guides...?

"Well, the bruise to your chin might speak dissatisfactorily of her performance as a traveling guide, but considering there are no other injuries that I can see: well, she must be doing a good job the majority of the time. Do you two travel often?" And if so, where had they come from? Brutus was growing curioser and curioser as their little interaction continued, eager to learn of a good place to start his exploration and quest to find his dear friend, Cesar. Though, he tried his best not to ramble on like he was often capable of.

cesar may enter any of brutus' threads