
We'll ride the rails with our pistols drawn [Claiming]



6 Years
09-18-2016, 06:30 PM

She grinned lightly as Brutus commented about the giant array of women around. She couldn't see their positions but she could bet that they were all crowded around Xephyris. She honestly was surprised by the number of them all. How had they all met him? It seemed he'd traveled quite a bit since coming to her with the idea for his pack. She could only hope that they didn't start the same kind of internal drama that Ren and his sisters had caused for Rivaxorus. If she had to go through that again she really was going to let Nox eat someone's face.

"I suppose." She said softly. She knew they were all wolves and that their gender didn't matter if they were all supporting Xephyris. It didn't mean she approved of all the tension in the air. "I guess he is pretty charismatic to have attracted so many wolves to this meeting already. Judging from your comment I guess he's not all that unique looking, is he? If he was I'd say it's because of good looks and charm." She said with a soft chuckle.

She'd flick an ear towards Nox. So far the cat had remained silent, but that didn't mean she wasn't paying attention. The snow leopard had been silently observing the wolves so far. Her attention in particular had fallen on the male with the very large teeth that protruded from his face. She didn't like the lisp, but she certainly was eyeballing the fangs. She'd turned her head just in time to see Brutus nodding his head at her and she flicked her tail at him in a simple greeting before eyeballing those gathered again. She wouldn't admit it, but she felt a pang of jealousy over the male having big fangs.

A familiar voice would catch Armai's attention. Turning her head away from the cat she'd face where the voice came from and she was surprised that Jaelle was talking to her. Other than healing her they hadn't spoken since Jaelle had disappeared. It was nice to "see" her around. Did that mean she'd be joining Xephyris or was she just here to watch? She was surprised when Jaelle thanked her and Armai smiled.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you got to feeling better." She'd then flick an ear to Brutus when Jaelle clearly was talking about him. She wasn't sure of Brutus' size, but she'd picked up on the teasing in the other woman's voice. Was Brutus really tall? She'd never asked. "Oh this is Brutus. We've been traveling together for a little bit."

It seemed more women would be appearing for this meeting. She turned her head to the sound of growling. She recognized the scent of Soleil as she arrived, but was surprised to hear her growling. So the animosity was already starting. She frowned and shifted uncomfortably. She really wasn't fond of drama and she wasn't going to sit idly by and let it tear apart a second pack. Other than hearing the foreign language she spoke, which she assumed was a greeting, it didn't seem that she was starting anything. So Armai turned her attention away. Instead she listened as Jaelle translated for her, but what exactly she wasn't sure.

Her thoughts would then flicker to what Xephyris had said to the male before. He'd stared that he intended on moving the pack to the north and her nose would wrinkle. That would make her job of finding the herbs she needed a lot harder. She'd have to travel farther distances and that wasn't including the fact it was almost always cold up there. While her fur wasn't super thin it wasn't thick and fluffy like an arctic wolf either and freezing seemed to be in her near future. She certainly wouldn't be abandoning the pack because of a little cold though so she'd just have to learn to deal with it as it came.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

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[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.