
You can't spell slaughter without laughter

Sixx I


06-18-2013, 08:57 PM
?? ? ?Sixx growled and grabbed hold of a front leg. He pulled and twisted hard, as the pleaseing snapps of bones as the dislocated from their socets. They crackled like popcorn in his grip. He placed one paw on the shoulderblade of the carcas and pulled hard, feeling flesh begin to let go as he tore the limb completely off the body. He dragged the severed apendage and sat it down infront of the other male. "just one taste." he growled, returning back to the body.

?? ? ? He placed one paw on the skull and forced his cannine teeth into her temples. He pushed down on the muzzle of the carcas with his paw and pulled up with his jaws, clamping down like a vice on the weak points of the skull. His jaws met with a 'clap' when the bone gave way, he swallowed the eyes whole. He wanted to leave this body unreconizeable... Exept for an indicatior of who killed the woman.

?? ? ? He drove his muzzle under her back and pushed his head up, rolling the mauled body over and forcing his cannines down into the untouched side. He cut down to the ribs and carved two parralell lines. Then he tilted his head slightly and drew a "V" and another line next to it making it apear to be a roman numeral six. The end result was "VI" being cruely carved into the girl's ribs. He turned the girl back over and resumed what he was doing.