
The Perfect Moments In Life [Birthing]


09-18-2016, 09:08 PM
One moment he was curled up in his cozy little existence, warm, comforting and unchanging, and the next he was squirming around in an endlessly expansive space. The warmth of the only home he'd known disappeared, and he cried out in displeasure and fear. What was happening? Unable to see, or control his environment, he had no way to figure out what to do. But any sort of fear he'd felt dissolved when he felt his mother's tongue caress him, drying him and comforting him on a level that required no thought. Although he'd never experienced his mother's touch before now, it instinctively brought him a sense of safety. Squeaking in delight, he squirmed, realizing that his paws could grasp the strange, solid surface beneath him, and he was able to move - another instinct told him to follow the scent flowing through his nose. It led him to his mother's belly, where his toothless mouth opened up, finding a teat and suckling contentedly.

Oh, this was bliss. He'd thought that his life before, in the dark comfort of the womb was all that there was - but in his short moments free of the confines, he'd realized there was so much more. The warmth of his mother's touch, the ability to move further than he'd ever gone before, and the pleasing fullness of filling his belly on mother's milk. Through small, nearly deaf ears, he heard his mom and dad's voices. Intuitively, he knew their voices. Another delighted squeak left his tiny jaws as he squirmed up next to his siblings, his fluffy fur nearly dry, and his belly full.