
turn off all the lights

Dragomir I


06-18-2013, 09:06 PM

Winter was not his preferred season, though it wasn't for the reasons that one might imagine. The snow and the ice did not deter the beast, nor did the biting wind or freezing rain. In fact, he loved nearly every bit of winter save for the color. White was the only color - seemingly - that he could not find a single means for which to conceal himself entirely. In autumn the dark browns and russets would shield most of his frame from view. In spring the foliage concealed him, and in the summer he stuck to the shadows of night to escape the heat. At this moment he stalked across the terrain looking positively dejected as he stood out like a sore thumb. There was no use trying to hide, as the blinding light of the sun and it's reflection off of the snow below illuminated his black coat. A sigh crossed his lips, followed by a reverberating growl. His alter ego had been the reason for this expedition, as Rotterdam had recently attempted to sleep with Maija, Dragomir's lover. Dragomir had been insanely frustrated when he'd heard of Rotterdam's recent escapades, but there was nothing he could do about it. He had a feeling Maija wasn't telling him the whole story, but as he couldn't remember it he'd have to take her word for it.

The taste of salt in the air drew him toward the crashing of the ocean. Perhaps the pounding of the waves would dull his thoughts. There wasn't much time to think any differently before he saw the ocean unfolding before his very eyes. Snow cloaked the land right up to the line where the tide came inland. He followed it up to this line and then beyond as he skirted into the water - not caring about the frigid temperature. A sound caught his attention and his neck snapped audibly toward the source of it, finding a lone she-wolf who appeared to be fishing. A rumble grew in his chest but he pushed it back, stalking in her direction loudly as each paw splashed with every step. Husky, romanian tones filled the air as he went. "You won't find many fish in those pools unless they are trapped. They will be in the deeper water where it's still warm." It sounded strange, to be speaking in something other than his native tongue, but he did it all the same. He didn't have time to translate for a strange woman who probably did not speak romanian like himself. He stopped a fair distance away, though his body urged him forward. The icy water lapped at his legs as he stared in her direction, great pools of ash as haunting as ever.

"Speech" (Translation)