
She's Like Heroin



6 Years

09-19-2016, 11:07 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2016, 11:07 AM by Faite.)

Faite was once again out of Celestial. She was bounding with energy and the itch to explore had come over here. She didn't need to travel far so she didn't go farther than the southern part of Boreas. She'd be gone for a few days, but Regulus would surely be used to her travels by now. She'd done her best to try and fill the ranks of Celestial with new wolves, but it didn't seem like they needed her help with that. With the arrival of more pups it meant the pack was nearing on full for the spaces they had claimed. She needn't worry about recruiting for the time being, but instead what they were going to do about resources and space.

Today though she was just enjoying her freedom to do as she pleased. She wanted to get the lay of the land and see if other areas were suffering from a drought. Surely the north seemed to be faring just a little bit better than the south and west? She was half tempted to make another trip up there, but she refrained. She was trying to avoid traveling all the way across the continent so soon.

Instead her feet brought her to a blackened beach. The sands were dark and shiny when she arrived and she stared at it curiously. The ocean looked the same as every ocean did, so why were the sands such a sparkly color? Shrugging it off for the time being she then padded to the ocean where the waves lapped at the shore. Water tickled her toes and she grinned softly before taking a seat. It was beautiful outside and this place seemed as good a place as any to rest for a while.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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