
Plot Partner Needed


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
09-19-2016, 06:06 PM
Okay so I shouldn't have, but I got two designs that were given as a mated pair, and they come with a lot of art. Their names are Eniko and Phantom, but I might change Eniko's name. Anyways, I will be keeping their design, even though I shouldn't be making more characters. >.> I have not yet decided on what gender I want them to be, but there is a back story here. Before I get too carried away, here are the designs.


So! Depending on which application I pick, YOU will be picking the gender of Eniko. They will not be coming in as mates, but just lemme tell you my idea.

So they come from a different land, where Eniko was the prince/princess. Phantom is their assigned guard, and has been since they were children. They grew up as playmates, and then became the best of friends. They would sneak off together, and Phantom would go to every royalty training that Eniko would go to. When Eniko's father grew ill, they both knew that Eniko was up next in line for the throne. But Eniko's brother wanted it for himself, and tried to kill his sibling so that he could take the throne. Seeing this, Phantom tried to warn Eniko but they didn't believe it. Unsure of what else to do, Phantom grew more glued to their side and when the brother attacked, they fought him off. Fearing that this would not be the last attempt on Eniko's life, both their father and Phantom convinced Eniko to leave. So the two of them set off, stumbling upon Ardent.

Anyways, my idea was that one of them was starting to fall for the other, I was thinking Phantom. But because it is their job to keep Eniko safe, they think that keeping their feelings to themselves would be best. I know it's super cliche, but I love it. xD So Phantom is falling for their charge, and without the pressure of royalty in their new home they feel like they can show it more. But I could see them still struggling with the line of duty and their emotions. Eniko still views them as their best friend.

Soooo yeah, I am open for ideas and crap! Now on to the form :

<b>Name:</b> Staying with Phantom or something else?
<b>Genders:</b> Gender of both Phantom, and what you would like to see Eniko as. (Okay with a homosexual relationship, since I like that plot idea)
<b>Plot ideas:</b> The back story is pretty set in stone, but their relationship/plans in Ardent are subject to change
<b>Breed:</b> Phantom's design is originally a GSD, but they could easily be a wolf. If they are a GSD they obviously need a canine pass.
<b>Other:</b> Anything else?

My focus needs more focus.