
heart hope



6 Years

09-19-2016, 07:43 PM
Her words made his eyes sparkle joyfully, his tail batting lightly behind him, briefly flicking against the earth. He would certainly prefer if she laid around all day, though he knew asking for that was ridiculous. Esarosa wasn't generally the type to sit quietly - she liked excitement and adventure. Luckily, their adventures had calmed down considerably once they'd realized she was pregnant. He was terrified of her working herself to hard, or getting sick; with each day that passed, he wanted these children more than he ever could've imagined.

"Do you think I would really expect that from you, of all wolves?" Steel quipped lightly, lovingly nuzzling her again in greeting.  "Though you better be taking it easy. Soon you will be exhausted, chasing puppies around all day, and you'll wonder whose idea this really was." His voice was gentle, but full of mirth - he knew he wouldn't regret starting a family with her, though neither of them really knew quite what they were getting into. Would they be totally in over their head? He was sure of it, but they'd figure it out together.

His lips parted in a grin as she pressed into him, a sigh falling from his lips.  "I'm sure you could feel more bloated," he teased lightly.  "However many you have in there, surely their could be more. How many do you feel? Can you tell at all?" Steel knew it wasn't something she could tell right away, but maybe she had some kind of instinct about it? Leaning down, he'd press his snout to the side of her large belly, his grin growing.   "Hopefully not too many. You're right.. we may very well be overrun soon. I hope you enjoy sleep while you can still get some."