
Break Free! [Ivory Ridge Meeting]


09-19-2016, 08:08 PM
On The Edge Of Reason

Beyond Understanding

Hearing of food caught Nah’s attention. It wasn’t so much that she was starving anymore, no, but she had developed a taste for rat while under Qualm’s care. It seemed so strange that the pale coated man had a talking rat with him… to her knowledge most of them only squeaked! But her gaze lingered on Karabela. If she was willing to share her food then she could work with her. A trade off, Nah decided, was something that was going to be needed for everyone. But this lady… there was something more to her than just a regular wolf. No… there was an air about her to be respected.

Listening to Karabela speak she realized something. This woman was ambitious… having formed a pack. Her parents had been seeking to do the same… but here this other woman had already accomplished such a thing. Sure they were small, but they could grow. Nah had decided she liked this woman already… perhaps, she thought, there could be room her life for more than pawns.

Another look was cast towards the brown and blue girl who sat on the opposite side of Qualm. She wasn’t sure who she was until Qualm spoke again. Delaney… perhaps she’d allow herself to get to know that one too. For now though Nah would stay quiet… she’d come to express her interests in her own time.

"Talk," 'Think.'


She Waits

Perfect Oblivion