
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 10:00 PM
ooc//We can both control movements of the Lion :3

Hansel's legs refused to move, even after he had given a warning to Yin. The stench grew powerful, now he was certain he knew exactly what it was. He felt the dame brush against his fur, another feeling he knew was not normal for her. But it seemed to him that this was something new to her, just as it was to him. He glanced at her briefly before a low humming sound resounded off the rocks momentarily before being drowned out by the crashing waves, once more sprinkling him in a thin layer of mist. His paws begged him to run, but his mind thought otherwise. A growl erupted from his throat, dangerous, menacing, challenging the unseen opponent. His lips unfurled, revealing his ivory saber like canines. He didn't want to seem like a coward, that's not who he was. Sheer strength did not work the first time, then again they had been ambushed by this monster. He turned his head slightly towards Yin, keeping his blue gaze towards the rocks.
I don't know what this creature is, but it's a vicious thing. If it's the same one as before, then be ready. He's huge, his fangs are longer then anything I've seen on a wolf, and his claws will slice you open. He's as quick as lightning too...Stay on guard.

As soon as he had finished, a caterwaul split the air around them. Hansel jumped and his head whipped around in time to see a flash of pale color slam into him. He yelped as he hit the ground, a massive weight pinned him down as he felt claws rake his sides. A screech pierced the night air, the stench filled his lungs as he made out the face of his attacker from days before. This was the creature that separated him and his sister. He struggled, trying to slip away from it, but it gripped him good. The sand gave way under his scrabbling body, allowing him no purchase on the sinking ground. His paws finally found purchase on its heavy body, pushing its chest up to keep its teeth from grasping his throat.Yin! Get out of here!He cried out, not wanting her to get hurt or worse, killed.