
Gotta raise a little hell


09-19-2016, 08:46 PM

You fucked up. You've gone and fucked it up. Way to go," was all he could think to himself as she stood there in complete silence. This all had gone so much father than he ever thought it would when they first fought on the battlefield all that time ago. Why couldn't he have just controlled himself? If he had just kept it casual, had just fucked her whenever they crossed paths, just known her as the really kinky girl... but he didn't do that. He let her in, he told her his secrets, he fell in love. Words tumbled from her lips and he was disappointed but there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't process everything she had said. After the first sentence everything felt like it ran together in his head and he shut back down. He shoved all of his feelings away, good and bad, trying desperately to find that numbness that he had put himself into for so long before that night they had spent together, when she had woken him up with her nightmares.

The silence hurt more than anything she had said once it rushed back in on them. "It's okay," he lied when she took a step back from him. His voice held no conviction. It felt like he was saying words just to say words. It wasn't okay, but he didn't want her to leave and he couldn't be mad at her. He was the one that had fucked up. It was his fault. Like she had said, it wasn't like she didn't care about him. He had just fucked it up by pushing it too far too fast. His gaze drifted away from her, looking down and to the side. "I shouldn't have pushed it."


Art by Otackoon