
Walking the Edge



06-18-2013, 10:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth answered Thane's generous invitation with a nervous laugh, flattered and grateful he should be so willing to allow her within the small circle that was his family. It was an honor, undoubtedly, but one she wasn't sure she was ready to accept. Pups were always a nervous subject for her. Even being a female with natural mothering instincts, she often wondered if she would do well as a mother, if she could raise a family to be conscientious of those around them and admirable to their peers. It was a tough job, and she openly admired Thane and Ookami for traveling down that path. She hoped, should the card of pups fall into her hand, that she be as well prepared and patient as they were, and at least left the idea of visiting their small brood later, just to observe and be polite.

It was a relief to her to know that the pack's stores of food were still holding. The worry that her inability to complete her job had caused her much worry as she had been recovering, fearful that those who depended on the cache she and Thane supplied would start to take notice of their limited stock and complain. Not to mention she felt guilty for placing the whole of that responsibility solely on Thane's shoulders, whether he accepted that extra weight or not. A celebratory hunt did sound wondering to the slim wolf, her smile widening as she nodded her head in agreement. "Can't wait for that," she admitted unabashedly, her tail even wagging a the thought. To stretch, to run, to hunt. It was exactly what she wished to do most.

Her gold and purple mixed eyes shifted as Thane's did to slip down the side of the ravine and stare into the deeper, denser sections, still somewhat curious though less so now that she had been reminded of her progress and the weight of guilt she had been carrying had been lightened. Eventually they wandered back up to settle on the male, noting him glancing her way as well, and she smiled companionably. "So what is it that brought you out here? You couldn't have been looking for me," she asked with a humorous chuckle. Certainly something much more important than a little conversation with her had drawn the male in this direction, though she could hardly fathom.