
You must be out your mind



10 Years
09-20-2016, 02:13 PM
"You must be out your mind!"

Echoes of words spoken so long ago she could hardly recall the voice of the speaker reverberated through her consciousness, eliciting only dull feelings of amusement much unlike the scathing retort she had fired back at the time. It seemed so long ago now that she was finally recalling these memories. Her brow was furrowed as she walked deep in thought. Surprisingly the past seasons had served to improve her appearance, forcing her to seek shelter and focus on caring for herself for once. Her pelt was significantly less filthy, and she no longer seemed as though she would blow away with the wind. Her paws though, they still looked rough. Her claws were ground down at the ends and her pads had yet to recover from all the walking they'd been put through.

A warm breeze was caressing the endless waves of grass, causing it to sway to and fro. She could see the backs of large snorting buffalo when the vegetation surrounding them dipped down due to the constant push of wind. She compulsively licked her lips at the thought of such a large kill. She quickly forced herself to banished those thoughts from her mind. She had no way of catching such creatures on her own. Even if she should enlist the help of Inverno in a hunting expedition she highly doubted they could take down something so large and strong.

Climbing to the top of one of the large hills, she flopped down to watch the world go by, letting out a heavy sigh and stretching out her front legs, letting out a soft grunt of relief.