
You must be out your mind



6 Years

09-20-2016, 02:45 PM

Faite was about ready to return home after her expedition. She'd done quite a bit of sight seeing on this trip and had had a good time exploring a little bit more of the south. She couldn't quite bring herself to leave Imperium's old lands quite yet. She'd already came across the orchard. She'd noted the fruit that was slowly growing, but she was sad that it wasn't ripe yet. It wouldn't be ripe until the fall so she made a mental note to come back. She could imagine some of the pups would enjoy it.

She'd also come across some old strange buildings that caught her interest. They were foreign and she had yet to figure out what they were for. They seemed to be falling apart and in bad shape so she doubted they'd serve as good shelter. She'd stayed to sniff around a bit before she went elsewhere.

It was the buffalo that really caught her attention. Celestial had never contained animals as large as it. She was almost envious that Imperium had once gotten to keep these animals to themselves. She could imagine their meat would feed a pack for a long time and that wasn't to mention what use their hides could do. Imagine curling up with that in the winter time? The thought made her grin.

A part of her debated trying to hunt one but she knew she'd have no luck. One look at the curved horns on their head told her that they'd kick her ass. Not to mention the size of them. They were absolutely gigantic and her size certainly was nothing to boast about. So she traveled away from them to give them a wide berth before she neared a hill. She scent of another wolf was strong and she, being the nosy and friendly wolf she was, climbed up the hill to see who it was. Naturally it was a wolf she'd never met before so she gave the woman a little bit of distance.

"It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?" She said after noticing she'd been staring out at the knolls.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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