


06-18-2013, 10:45 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2013, 10:46 PM by Awaken.)

?? ? Awaken gave a kind grin nuzzling his face into Merci's neck. His black fur mixing with her white fur. She smelled nice, a way that reminded him cherryblosoms in spring time. "Dont worry, its naturaly to feel afraid when theirs a crazy phycopath on the loose." he refused to tell her about the tiger. He doubted the idea of a crazed striped death demon of doom comming to rip everyone into frosted flakes would not be "GRRREEEEEEAAT" for her anxiety.?

?? ? His face fell when he realized she was becoming shy again. He gently nudged her muzzle up with his. "commooon Meci." He purred. "Your a wolf not a deer. You rule the forest. Keep your head up and just go with the flow." He was attempting to encourage her not to worry, but how effective he was. Well... Was questionable.?

?? ?He demonstrated by holding his head up high and going to stride out like a proud stud. His tail almost touching the back of his head. He was able to walk about three feet before his accsedent prone antics were at it again. Constantly vexxing him when least conveiniant. He place one speckled paw down, as it sank into the snow, the ground seemed lower than the rest of the area below the blanket of white.?

?? ?He was sent face first into the snow, having tripped over a hidden pothole. He worked his front feet back under him as he pulled his face from the snow. He had a muzzle full of fluff and his confidance had been shattered. Awaken never had much luck with girls now did he? He began to chuckle at his own misfortune, studdying the impring were he'd fallen. It was perfect. The indention looked identical to his face. "Heh... Snow-wolf"