
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:27 AM by Yin.)

Hansel was seemingly frozen in place, the fear that was radiating off of him keeping him rooted to the spot. She brushed up against him, trying to show him through physical touch that she wasn't about to abandon him. Sure, they were strangers, albeit with something in common, but obviously he was in danger right now and she wasn't going to leave him to fight alone. Besides, she needed an outlet for all the pent-up anger that she liked to carry around and a fight was as good as any outlet. He glanced back at her before a humming sound split through the sound of the waves, rebounding off the rocks before being drowned out. What the hell was that?

And then Hansel was growling, a threatening sound that would have sent her running or cowering had she been a lesser, more scared wolf. Instead it only fueled her own anger, a similar dangerous snarl ripping from her larynx. Her companion turned towards her but didn't take his azure gaze from the rocks as he filled her in on what he knew about this danger. I don't know what this creature is, but it's a vicious thing. If it's the same one as before, then be ready. He's huge, his fangs are longer then anything I've seen on a wolf, and his claws will slice you open. He's as quick as lightning too...Stay on guard. She listened intently as he relayed the information, her two-toned gaze scanning the rocks, trying to identify what exactly was that had Hansel so on guard. But not even a moment after he'd spoken a sound unlike any she'd heard before split the air, a giant tawny figure bursting from the shadows up in the rocks, slamming its mass into Hansel, slamming him into the ground. The creature screeched, its claws slicing through the brute's side like nothing. It pinned him to the sand, scrabbling as it fought to find a grip on his throat. Hansel pushed against him, trying to keep the creature from snagging at his vital throat before screaming at her to escape.

I'm not going anywhere! she snarled, throwing her large frame at the creature, forelimbs outstretched, ready to latch on. Sharpened daggers dug into the creature's vulnerable nape, sinking through the tawny coat, talons digging themselves into its spine and haunches as she fought to get a grip on the writhing animal beneath her. The beast screeched again, its attention momentarily taken by the ivory she-wolf as it pushed the brute beneath it away, rearing back as it tried to dislodge the wolf from its back. Yin snarled viciously, sinking her teeth deeper into its flesh, making the beast screech even louder, its jerking becoming more violent as it fought to remove the dame from on top of it.

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