
i know your hope is heavy



6 Years

09-21-2016, 01:18 AM

He was quite the charmer, it was a shame that she hadn't run into him sooner in life. Apparently he hadn't run into too many pretty females, complimenting her once more before his last comment made her glare at him playfully. "Oh? Prettier than I? They must have been dripping in rubies and gold to even hold a light to myself!" her voice was overly dramatic, and she raised a damp paw to her forehead which lowered to meet it. The droplets of water ran down her muzzle as she blinked up at him, dropping her leg down into the cool water once again. With lowered lashes she batted her eyes at him, almost one for a big show. The river water ran down her face until it dripped of her nose, the sensation made her snort. Aww, so much for looking sexy. Letting out a giggle she shook her head and looked back at the ripples across her paws. It did grab her interest though, it seemed like he did quite a bit of traveling himself. She wouldn't mind at all to do a little wandering with him as her handsome companion. Smiling to herself, she looked back up at the tusked man.

She just smirked at his comments, winking as he mentioned living life on the edge. "Yes, if I don't topple right over the edge," While her tone was still light, there was a slight rumble to her voice. Besides all of her oh so obvious assets, she thought with a large smile, she was rather clumsy. She dripped over air, leave it up to her to fall over whatever cliff she may dangle her toes over. No, the stealing was more what she had grown up with and she had quite deft paws. "I could show you sometime, or perhaps steal your heart instead?" she teased, her bell clad tail thumping behind her. This was just too much fun, she didn't want this night to end.

He introduced himself as Aki, and she was rather surprised. For some reason she was expecting something longer and more... foreign sounding. But it was short and sweet, rather unlike the tall and handsome man that sat beside her. She was taken out of her thoughts when he spoke of them being alone, and she tipped her head to the side and glanced at him with her blue eye. "Yes, it would be a shame if all the male suitors that I have trailing behind me at all times," As if to make more of a point, she looked over both her shoulders as if she was going to see one of them behind her at that very moment.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.