
Welcome to the Hotel California :]

Pontifex I


06-18-2013, 11:24 PM

He was kind of glad that he'd run into Eria, or else he probably would have never gone out exploring and most likely returned to area around Seracia to see out his sister and find a place to bed down for the night. But instead he was out in some place that he didn't even know, with his new companion Eria, exploring caves and finding symbols drawn on a wall. She obviously had a good eye for exploring because he would have never even thought twice about looking at the stuff on the caves walls. He would have completely ignored them and continued on his way, perhaps to find a way out of the mountain or see where else it led him to.

A small smile danced across his dark lips as he felt her plume brush against his side before she realized that she'd brushed him with it and tucked it between her haunches. He shook his head, dismissing her apology as he allowed his golden gaze to fall back to the stone, taking in the onyx scrawlings on the wall. Your guess is as good as mine Eria. he murmured, brows furrowing together. Who had made these markings on the wall? Surely no wolf was capable of such things or really any other creature. So if not an animal, then what? His attention was drawn back to his darker companion as she set her sights on particular set of symbols. He looked them over, able to easily discern the shape of a bison, though the one beside the bison was foreign to him. Another creature perhaps, one we have never encountered before? he volunteered, not really sure what that figure was.

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