



06-18-2013, 11:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Worry coursed strongly through the timid white she-wolf as she spilled her fears to the large wolf before her, hoping that they might not be brushed aside as silly or unnecessary. They were very much necessary in her mind, especially since she had already seen what the wolf could do. He was dangerous unlike many others, lacking the same sort of reason that someone with a conscience might have. Unpredictable, she had said, and she believed it strongly. And, maybe a little more than she knew to recognize, she feared losing the companionship of one of her newest friends when she was growing to enjoy it so much.

Kindly he reached toward her and pressed his face into her neck, and without fully realizing what drove her to do it she stepped forward to do the same, burying her face into the thick fur there as she nuzzled him roughly. To feel him strong and steady before her, unhurt and unharmed, was more reassuring than she would have expected, and she exhaled in a relaxing sigh. His answer seemed to make light of the situation he was in, and though she didn't quite smile it did ease her mind to know that he could joke about things, even when they seemed so scary.

She was not quite so used to being so forward, even when her emotions were a little out of her control, and so she did feel the embarrassment of her open affection rather strongly. Awaken, however, still appeared determined not to let her off the hook. Reluctantly, she let him lift her muzzle upward though lowered it slightly as he drew away, her dark brown eyes watching him as he tried to build her confidence. It was not an easy task that he set himself to, though his words and actions did draw a little smile to her face, a chuckle lurking just below the surface.

Of course, it was stalled by a sudden gasp that elicited from her muzzle as her friend's silly strut ended up with his face in the snow. For a split second, she worried - as came naturally to her - but upon seeing him lift his head from the snow, covered in it, the chuckles broke from her smiling face in a quiet fit of giggles. She stepped quietly over to join him, following his poison apple stare to the snow to examine the imprint he had left behind. "It's a good snow-wolf," she agreed, smiling timidly upward at him as she hoped that her worrisome mood might completely slip away.