
Fantasize for Tragedy



3 Years
09-21-2016, 05:44 PM
Anything you say can and will be held against you
He hadn't been expecting anyone else to show up. In fact, he had been starting to doze off - maybe even day dream - when rounded audits flicked forward at the approach of another. Ocean blue optics would glance up, and gaze upon the face of a black colored wolf with a scarred face and chest. Set within his skull were orbs of hunter green that Casthiel felt nearly drawn to. He blinked softly at the male, his words escaping him for a moment as static filled his mind. When he remembered that it was not polite to just stare he cleared his throat, and turned his audits back to paint against his cranium. "Ah, hello." He whispers softly, his shoulder still press firmly against the trunk of the tree. The male went, rambling as if he didn't know what to say but wanted to hold a conversation with Casthiel all the same.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for asking." The male wolf woofed, his banner wagging slightly behind him as his gaze glanced over the entirety of the black males frame. He was muscular, and scarred in various places. He was quiet for a few more moments, ducking his crown some-what shyly. He was cute -- but something about him caused his head to ache just a little bit. Almost like memories were trying to resurface but couldn't quite make it past the barrier in my head. Why was the appearance of this strange wolf stirring memories that he couldn't uncover himself no matter how much he tried, no matter how much he wanted to remember. "M-my name is Casthiel." He offered shyly, his banner wagging bashfully behind him as heat flushed his cheeks and collarbone.

"What's yours?" He inquired, audits perking on top of his skull once again in interest to know more about the black male.

"Talk here."