
turned him to gold


09-21-2016, 10:15 PM
The islands aren't a bad swim for a summer day. Fortune is more than willing to exploit that. Exploit the weather. Take the day for what it is. She's looking for somewhere to hunt, looking for somewhere to be. Anywhere to be. Sure, Celestial is her home now, but things are different. They're her family, but... are they really? Yeah, sure, by blood. But it doesn't really make sense to her as of yet. Dagger is here. Acapella is here. Outside of them? Well, she longs for her brothers. Where had they gone? What was taking them so long? She forces the thought out of her head. Fortune can't bother thinking of the things that would destroy her, right? Has to push that away.

Moving with her long, powerful strides, the girl finds her way to the center of the island. Birds. Birds everywhere. She could hunt and hunt and hunt all day long and there would still be a sustainable amount of prey for ten more wolves. It feels strange, it feels lovely. She has a purpose here. Fortune makes her way from tree to tree, sniffing, trying to identify the game birds. Had to survey her options before actually taking one down, right?

shock & awe