
turned him to gold

Oleander I


4 Years
09-21-2016, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2016, 06:15 PM by Oleander I.)

There was hardly a rock that Oleander hadn't overturned in his search for Peregrine. He knew that he should just give up, perhaps something had come up and she needed to take care of it. Perhaps he was being foolish, after all he hardly knew the woman. But he had started to enjoy her company, and he had been looking forward to having a home. He wasn't one to settle down with ease, so taking that big step had really been sticking his neck out there. The wolf held no grudge against her though, everyone had things that needed to be taken care of and things that not everyone needed. Sighing, he decided that he was just going to go for a little swim. The heat was getting worse and worse lately and both him and Cedar could use a bit of cooling down. As soon as the ocean came into view, Cedar made a run for it. Ollie chuckled as his brother splashed into the surf, his cream marked head shaking back and forth. He took a more calm approach to it, walking into the water until his paws could no longer touch. Paddling around, he dipped his head under and broke the surface with a huge sigh. He could feel his body temperature returning to a cooler state, easing the burning of the sun above them.

Catching up to Cedar, both canines noticed that there was an island nearby. Huh, they hadn't thought about checking those for a MIA wolf. Without a word they set off for the sandy beach, shaking out their fur as soon as they could stand again. Oleander's ears perked up when he heard the faint calling of birds, and glanced at the jackal at his side. Was there a large nest of them here? He didn't need to ask the question out loud, because the further in they walked inland the louder it got. He felt like his head was pounding with all the sound, his ears pinning flat against his head. Why the hell would anyone want to come here?

Seeing that his brother was pained by the noise, Cedar took off running and let out loud, high pitched yips. Any birds near them took off from the trees, and the wolf relaxed. Pausing, he was unsure if he wanted to go further in. There would surly be more birds, he could hear their faint, nervous coos. Unsure of what he should do next; stay or go?


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.