
turned him to gold


09-22-2016, 06:29 AM
Ground nesting birds. Quails, pheasants, shit that can't really fly all that well. It runs away. It runs away... none too quickly. Fortune's posture is low, her chest close to the ground as she scents the birds. Tail stiffly flagging behind her body, slinking along the ground. Birds. Birds were fun, birds were a challenge but not too much. She was going to settle in to her rhythm. It was easier that way. It was far easier that she stalk after them this way, stiff, gaze honed in. Fortune was nearly holding her breath, as quiet as possible as to not scare the birds.

When a runty creature streaks past her, Fortune lets go a sigh-- pure frustration. "Can you like, fucking not?" It's a terrible sound, the short thing barking at her birds to scare them off. There's a glare, a growl in her throat as she steps from her cover. She turns, staring at the creature and the wold behind him. "Fan-fucking-tastic." There was a sigh, racking through her lungs, coursing through her system. Fortune does her best to force her hackles down, but the frustration is clear on her face. It rings true in the look she fixes the pair, head shaking. Still, Fortune is trying to force herself to look less absolutely frustrated.

"Uh. Well. Hi." The girl shakes her head once, posture shifting to something less on edge. Trying to smile. Right. Fortune is working on it.

shock & awe