
You must be out your mind



10 Years
09-22-2016, 11:31 AM

He had been trailing her from a distance, a rather far distance so that he wouldn't be noticed. He hadn't informed her that he would be fallowing and honestly the man didn't know why he felt the need to fallow her. Part of it had to been the instincts of protecting the alpha and part of it was because she was the only familiar face in these lands. He wasn't sure if she would be happy about him trailing her which is another reason he had stayed far back. They had become somewhat of a team and so far had been ensuring each others survival. Like her the male was looking a hell of a lot better then he did before last winter. He had filled out more, rested up, and was in the process of building his muscles back up. He had begun to form a routine again and was beginning to feel like he had a purpose. They were still loners, but the male was beginning to act as though they were a small pack.

His days started early each morning getting up and doing a short distance border patrol. No matter where they had moved to he had made an imaginary border where ever they went. This border was traveled maybe two or three times a day to be sure there was no danger nearby. He walked, he trotted, or he ran so he could build himself back up. Soon he would need to start sparring and refresh his fighting skills she he may protect if the need arose. He still wasn't sure where her thoughts lie and there hadn't been much talk as to what they were going to do, but the man was starting to prepare himself for whatever may happen.

He slowed his pace as her trail grew much hotter then what it had been This was telling him that up ahead she had spent some more then normal time in, or was still there. Carefully he moved forward, his movements slower until he figured out what was going on. Lifting his nose to the air he took in the scents around until his nose picked up a second scent nearby, another wolf. For a moment his body stiffened as he listened for any sounds of fighting, but there was none. Moving forward the male fallowed her scent. When he came to one of the larger hills and began to climb up it, When he peaked the top the male saw what was going on, Caelum and another female. Both were relaxed so he assumed that it was small talk. The female had an odd striking coat that wasn't hard on the eyes, but definitely different from back home. He moved forward and took a seat beside Caelum His gold orange eyes looking out at the buffalo without a word.

Talking & Thinking
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]