
Lightning Bug


09-22-2016, 01:04 PM

Liviana padded over to the edge of the lake, her paws barely touching the edge of the water and the sand slipping between her toes. She had been out this way a few times, mostly just because she was able to get out of the pack lands for a little bit and stretch her legs. Her tail flicked behind her before she settled back onto her haunches. She still wasn't used to being alone so often. In her old home it seemed like one of her family was always there, always watching. It was both incredibly lonely and freeing at the same time. She sighed and pawed at the surface of the water, sending droplets flying and creating a series of ripples in front of her.

The sun was slowly beginning to set and she was going to start heading home, but she stopped herself. She knew this place lit up at night and it wasn't that often that she let herself indulge in those kinds of things, but she was going to tonight. What did she have to lose really? It wasn't like she had anyone waiting on her to come home. Her tail curled around her haunches and she looked up at the sky, watching the blue fade into pinks and purples around her, noticing a particular cloud that was drifting by that took on a similar hue of lilac as her eyes.

Art by Evelyn