
Shrap's Plotter 2.0


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
09-22-2016, 02:11 PM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2017, 04:10 PM by Shrapnel.)
*** Please note not all personalities in my profiles have been updated recently and are likely out of date/slightly incorrect.

Creed Ancora - Profile

9 (Summer) | Celestial - Ancestor | Taken

Creed is my old boy and nearing the end of his life. I'm wrapping up some threads with him so I'm not really open to any more unless it's with family.

Faite Adravendi - Profile

5 (Autumn) | Lirim - Kalin | Single

Faite is my very ambitious and energetic girl. She highly values her own freedoms, is very easy to get along with, and enjoys the company of others. She can be a bit of a hot head if you press her buttons, but overall she's fun to be around. She can act like a kid at times and enjoys all sorts of interactions. I'm looking for a lot of things with her lately ranging with romance, followers her pack, friends, enemies, you name it and I'm most likely up to it with her! She could even use a few fights to keep her in shape. Currently I'm keeping Faite near her pack for her kids and so she can get used to being an alpha.

Kharnage Ancora - Profile

3 (Autumn) | Talis | Single

Kharnage is my grump-butt wolf. He hasn't had a father figure in his life at all and he's currently not overly happy with his mother. He just left Ivalice to get a taste of freedom on his own. he's barely had any training with fighting and at the moment he's very displeased with how his life is going. He feels estranged from his family, the only one he likes is Dragon, and has a severe dislike/borderline hatred for Lykos. He'll definitely be looking for parental figures, wolves to teach him to fight, possible crushes, and maybe even some fights cause he's not entirely easy to get along with. So just throw ideas at me!

Isaac "Mortar" Armistice - Profile

3 (Autumn) | Loner | Single

I'm honestly not sure what Mortar is. Without Dono anymore he's very awkward, not overly fun to be around until he warms up to you, and overall somewhat nervous. He hates the idea of upsetting anyone, has basically zero skills except basic hunting, and needs to learn a lot of things. I'm open to possible romances, wolves to teach him things, parental figures, and sibling threads because the only sibling he's come in contact with is Ricochet! So throw things ideas at me, he needs lots of love.

Armai Leone - Profile

4 (Winter) | Loner | Single

Armai is my blind healer. She's had a really hard life between being shunned by her family and being alone. Overall she's very calm in nature, quiet, and overall really easy going. She turns into an absolute spit-fire if you get on her nerves so there's definitely some bite behind her bark. She hasn't really had a whole lot experience in fighting, but that doesn't stop her when she needs to get physical. I'm looking for maybe someone to get on her nerves to fight, some drama, romance, friends, maybe an enemy or two, and wolves she can heal! She almost always has her companion with her so I hope you like snow leopards.

Lionel Arvel Adravendi - Profile

2 (Spring) | Fiori - Archduke | Single

Lionel is by no means shy, very friendly, absolutely adores his family and his pack, and has a desire to learn everything under the sun. He has a thirst for knowledge that is rather uncommon for his age and he tends to act older than he is in the presence of adults. He has an easy-going nature, enjoys playing with wolves his age, and is very peaceful. I'm looking for mostly training threads with him, maybe a puppy crush, friends, and enemies but I don't think he'll have many of those. Recently he's trying to cope with the fact that he couldn't help save Bright Moon and Quelt and could probably use some help.

Valor Ancora - Profile

Yearling (Summer) | Celestial - Progeny | Single

Valor is a new character (not quite ready to be rp'd with yet) and is a Creed x Kavdaya pup. He's going to be super fun to be around, very courageous even in the face of danger, and very lovable. He's bold, gentleman-like, very curious about the world, and overall loads of fun. I want him to have all the family threads! Eventually he'll be up for meeting strangers and making friends and enemies. No crushes right now cause ewww girls.

Afrit Ancora - Profile

Yearling (Winter) | Talis - Fledgling | Single

Afrit is my fluffy tom-boy. She's a giant fluffy wild haired ball of fur. She's very energetic, very playful, and very tomboy-ish. She loves getting dirty, wants to do all the rough housing, and overall very fun to be around with. She may have a bit of a temper so it may be easy for her to get some pup rivals. So I need friends, enemies, playmates, training threads, maybe someone to crush on her so she can be completely oblivious. So throw plots at me! She really really needs stuff.

Asha - Profile

6 (Spring) | Abaven - Pattuglia| Single

Asha is my daredevil. She's willing to do everything and anything to have a bit of fun. She's had an interesting past for the most part - she has a huge history with Caelum, Zephyr, and a few others that Monster has up for adoption. She managed to get herself kicked out of her old pack by doing something reckless (see her profile.) She holds a grudge for it. She's bold, daring, witty, careless, immature in a lot of ways, lots of fun, and hates being around other females. She gets along amazingly with most males and is a lot more comfortable in their presence. If you need a partner in crime, someone fun, or someone to fight she's you're girl. She needs wolves to train with/threads for her rank cause she's not entirely sure what she's supposed to be doing.

RuaidhrĂ­ Aeran Adravendi-Valentine - Profile

Pup (Winter) | Celestial (for now) | Single

Ruaidhri is one of my newer editions. He needs family threads as well as friends to make outside the family! He currently doesn't have a solid personality since he's so young so he'll be very impressionable.

Miach Animosus Adravendi - Profile

Pup (Spring) | Lirim | Single

Miach is a Zuriel x Elias pup and is a product of rape. He's currently in Lirim. He's going to be a troublesome pup with chaotic tendencies. He's going to be controlling, dominant, charming (when he's older) and overall a handful. His profile has a good details description of his future personality, but I look forward to finding out more in character. He's going to need a lot of threads for plot and character development so throw all the threads at him!

Amethystina Indigo Elementas - Profile

Pup (Winter) | Loner | Single

Amethyst is a Solaris kid (element baby!) and so far I don't have a whole lot fleshed out for her. She's going to be a loner (and sticking with her father) until they find a place to settle down. I imagine she's going to need friends, maybe enemies, teachers, all sorts of things so I'm open to suggestions.

Anamalech Abraxas - Profile

4 (Winter) | Loner | Single

So my first chaotic evil character in like .... ever really. She's super attached to her twin brother, Adra, and is snippy. Chaotic is definitely the easiest term to describe her - she's arrogant, thinks she's the most gorgeous thing ever, and loves to get under others skin. She's not one for getting her paws dirty if she's not in the mood, but she isn't opposed to it either. Mostly she likes bringing others down mentally and can be quite abusive. She believes she's a god, a moon goddess to be exact, and expects to be treated as such. She also has an adopted daughter, Abyzou, but it's a secret that she's adopted.

Ioveth Jhaeros Ruvaen - Profile

3 (Spring) | Loner | Single

Veth is complicated and simple at the same time. In a good mood Veth is downright friendly, easy to talk to, and overall a delight to be around until he ends up making a crude joke. He flirts with just about anything, doesn't matter if it's a guy or a girl, and enjoys beautiful things. He's laid back and quite a bit immature so be prepared. That's about where simple stops though. Veth has a rather dark and bloody side - once you press the right buttons he gets angry to the point of seeing red and then blacking out. He doesn't remember his actions later whatsoever so if you've been hurt in the process of one of his rage fits ... well don't expect an apology.

Threads I need to start