
You must be out your mind



10 Years
09-22-2016, 06:47 PM
It took her a while to realize how long it had been since she managed to bump into someone new. Sure she had company in her dear friend, and she wasn't really starved for interaction. It simply intrigued her to think how large the land must be. One season you might meet a dozen strangers, and the next you might not manage to cross paths with very many individuals at all. Of course she hadn't left this general area since she met Inverno this past fall. She felt a stir of eagerness to meet more wolves like this woman, and to see more of this land that she admitted may become her new home given some time. That thought brought on more guilt though and she winced slightly, turning to distract herself from her own wandering mind by listening to the reply to her previous words.

So a pack had once lived her. She smiled at the thought of a pack of wolves with round, well fed bellies from eating too much buffalo. "I'm not surprised they would choose to live here, hunting wouldn't be too difficult with enough pack members to help things go smoothly," She mused. A pang on envy went through her at the idea of how easy it would be to survive here. Maybe she did need to eat something soon, Cae was focusing too much on the darn prey beasts.

Faite. That was an interesting name, a nice name. It rolled off the tongue in a pleasing way. "That's a lovely name." Cae tilted her head, pondering where to direct the conversation next when she both smelled and saw Inverno approaching. She knew he stuck close to her and couldn't really say she found it all that surprising that he had shown up. Though she still rejected any notion that she was in any way still a leader, she recently had come to accept that she would always have that role in his mind, even as they grew closer as friends than they had ever been as pack-mates she would always be 'alpha'. He took a seat beside her without a word and Cae smirked and nudged at his neck gently in greeting.

Blue eyes returned to gazing at Faite while she contemplated something to say, now including a quick introduction. "This is Inverno. We..." She trailed off, still not sure how to explain things without delving into the past too much. They weren't really a pack now. She wasn't a real alpha now. "We travel together." She finished lamely, glancing at her quiet friend. "So, do you live around here? I haven't seen to much of the land or met many wolves here."