
Until I Devour You



6 Years
Extra large

09-22-2016, 11:47 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2016, 11:49 PM by Elias.)

My pain's not ashamed to repeat itself.
Pain's not ashamed to repeat itself.
I can't sleep until I'm over you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.


Wicked bubbling of a molten core burned into the red eyes of the beast as he stared down into the center of Mount Volkan; wicked as it was, it was no match for the spinning images that ran through the colossal being's memory, swarming him like the falling ash around him whilst he stood solid and forceful like a beacon. The peaceful, silvery sound of a woman's voice rang clear enough to mimic reality- spoken in hushed, strained words yet still caressing his ears like the soft touch of silk. 'Oh, Elias... do not fret. You were the pillar which held me up so powerfully, so boldly. If only you could understand, I love you.. I always loved you. Thank you for bringing me tranquility at last...' He was dreaming, but he could see it as though she still lie beneath him. Blood spilled from the back of her beautifully pale head, smearing the wall behind her with it's essence and pooling around her fragile body while he desperately nuzzled in a miserable attempt to apply pressure and make the flow cease.

During this nightmare, Elias looked as woeful as he did then; hugging on to the life that was quickly siphoning from her body, leaving a cold corpse behind where the warm woman he loved once was, the woman he'd murdered. And yet, as she took her last breath, she held a soft, rare expression of.. happiness. She'd loved him, truly. The only soul that ever had, and it was evident by her constant presence through-out his life up until now. No matter the swing of his fragile psyche, she'd always been there to calm him. Even when they were lost children, even when he'd lashed out on her, she'd been there to take the beating for as long as it took until her sweet voice rang through and broke the demon's possession over his pure heart. Though, she had no more freedom from tormenting spirits than he did, she'd had her own demons. The peace she'd found in her passing made bittersweet sense to him. Her tortured soul had finally been able to lift from the frailty of her being, able to make it's ascension and leave the nightmare of their past behind. To leave the nightmare that was him... behind.

Would anyone know him like she had? Would his sister ever be able to look at him the same? These were the questions that made him weak. She had forgiven him, but would he ever be able to forgive himself? For not being able to guide her to better places while she were still among the living, for not being able to control himself when the rage took over, for not being able to face the judgement of his people after committing such a heinous act. No, he did not think that he could.

The former king found an eerie feeling of peace whenever he looked into the core of the volcano, it had been where they'd buried the remains of his father after his funeral. Not this volcano in particular, but one so strikingly similar his fragile mind could barely tell the difference in it's current state. His haunting, crimson stare grew wider and wider as he watched the core's level rise and he inwardly begged it to bring his father back to him. He needed guidance, he'd been far too young to be a ruler and they'd all been too young to be without his wisdom. He was young, but Elias had killed the mad king and ended his abusive reign over their people. Everyone looked up to him. Everyone trusted him, everyone had faith in him.. but they did not know the horrors trapped behind those eyes and swallowed down that choked up gullet. He'd smiled and played his part, but on restless nights.. that smile turned into Hell's teeth.

He had half a mind to fall within the mountain, to find his father while the lava devoured him and freed him from the prison of mortality. In fact, his chest was tight and his heart held a physical ache from just how immensely it longed for scolding embrace.. but he could not end this tragic show like this. There had to be more, there had to be meaning.. there had to be recovery, and happiness, at last! There had to be glory earned if only for the sake of his father's legacy. There had to be. An audible growl began rumbling in his throat as he fought himself, tore himself away from the lava that was climbing toward him, beckoning him to go through with his deepest desires. No.

With his hackles raised, his eyes wide, pupils nearly covering the entity of his ruby gaze, he ran back down the mountain and out of reach of the deadly rivers that dribbled down it's volatile slopes. His lean figure was still in perfect health and able to carry him until he'd come to the edge of the volcanic territory, but he would need to feed soon... not that he would mind working his body to numb the pain.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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