
Return of a Stranger



6 Years
09-23-2016, 09:11 AM

Armai would pull her silver form into a setting position, using her tail to place under herself as a cushion between the ice and her rear.She kept an ear trained on Brutus as she waited for an answer and she could only assume that he was looking around to see what the landscape had in store for them. By the time she'd gotten good and settled in to sit for a little while he'd spoken and her head turned towards her companion. To her glee it seemed like there were animals around them.

Now Armai considered herself a rather good judge of character. She often focused on other's personalities because she had no other way of judging them. She wasn't allowed to judge a book by its cover because it was a cover she couldn't actually see. For her Brutus hadn't come across as a liar and she wasn't always the greatest at picking up changes in someone's voice when they were lying. So as Brutus started explaining everything to her in the eloquent an poetic voice that he'd used the last time to explain the ice pillars, she thought nothing of it and eagerly believed him. If he said it then surely they were really there.

Instead she focused on trying to picture the rocks Brutus talked about. She tried to imagine what salmon looked like in a breeding ground. The waves were a little easier to picture. She could see them as hazardous things with no real direction as they crashed into anything and formed around whatever solid structure they came into contact with. She imagined that the depths were icy cold now despite it being summer and the thought made her shiver. She had to admit, she wasn't fond of swimming.

The eagles were the most intriguing part of the story he wove. She'd never actually been around one up close. To think that they hung out here waiting for salmon made her happy. This land had a lot more hidden from her than she'd originally thought. It wasn't just all ice and snow and slipping around hoping not to run into something or bust her ass. There was beauty in it and she was more than grateful that he was sharing it with her.

"I'll have to follow you around more often." She beamed delightedly at him. "Who knows what all I've missed in my travels. I could have walked past something amazing and never knew it."

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.