
You must be out your mind



6 Years

09-23-2016, 10:17 AM

"Oh I can imagine the bison still gave them a hard time."

She grinned softly. Her gaze drifted back to the animals and once more she was drawn towards the horns on the creatures. Sure, Imperium must have had a grand time feeding the pack with them. She couldn't imagine taking down on was easy though. If they were anything like deer, the horns alone would be enough to spill your guts where you stood. Hooves could smash your skull in with ease and she could easily imagine one falling on you would break at least a few bones. So she fully believed they'd fight back. They were powerful creatures and she was sure they knew that.

"Thank you, but it's not so interesting as Caelum." She said with a smile, her attention turning back to the other woman.

She was surprised to hear someone behind them. She turned her head to watch a pale wolf striding towards them. His mood seemed almost lack luster and he was silent as he came to sit next to Caelum. An eyebrow rose as she stared at him hard for a good long moment, but he didn't seem as keen on talking as the female, but they obviously knew her by how easily Caelum accepted his presence.

Caelum introduced him as Inverno and she glanced towards the brute to see if there was any form of recognizing that they were even there as he stared out at the buffalo. Regardless she flashed him the same smile she'd offered to Caelum. "Nice to meet you Inverno." She then turned her head to look back at Caelum as she explained that they traveled together. She could see the added benefits of traveling as a pair. They'd be allowed to take down prey easier and had the added bonus of being able to protect each other. It seemed like a good idea. Had she had a traveling buddy she probably would have done the same thing. Instead of commenting on it though she focused on Caelum's question.

"I actually live in a pack to the west, though I intend of making my own pack some day soon. I'll have to admit it's harder than it looks." She grinned at her. Finding followers was harder than it looked.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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