
Lightning Bug


09-23-2016, 10:27 PM

Liviana's ears twitched at the sound of someone clearing their throat near her and she looked toward the noise calmly with one brow raised curiously. Both brows pulled up in surprise though when her lavender gaze landed on a spotted male bowing to her in a strangely proper way. Her eyes ran over him, quickly sizing him up while he stood and gave her a greeting. "Greetings m'lady." She was immediately intrigued if nothing else by this wolf that looked more like a fawn of a white-tailed deer than a wolf that had the mannerisms of a proper little prince. She hadn't heard anyone speak with such proper terms and cadence since her grandfather and her father to a certain extent. Very little of it had transferred to herself and her siblings unless they were acting on pack business.

"Good evening," she replied as she stood and turned to face him, giving him a small dip of her head in return. He extensively apologized for sneaking up on her and for "frightening" her and she couldn't help but laugh softly. "Oh no no, you didn't scare me. Not to worry about that." She had yet to encounter anything in these lands that scared her. It wasn't like she had the remnants of packs her family had destroyed trying to hunt her down around here. "I'm Liviana by the way. Or Livi, whichever you prefer." Her tail flicked behind her and her head tipped to the side slightly with curiosity while she continued to watch him. "What's your name, little deer?"

Art by Evelyn