
Lightning Bug


09-24-2016, 12:51 PM

Livi spotted his frown at her nickname for him and her lips tugged up with a smirk, doing her best not to openly chuckle at his irritation. It seemed like she had already found a soft spot to poke fun at, not that she wanted to drive away one of the only wolves she had seen in a long time that wasn't a member of Abaven. She let the little deer comment drop for now, at least until she could feel out whether he had a sense of humor or not. He finally broke his annoyed silence to introduce himself and one of her brows lifted again when he started to introduce himself one way only to stop himself and say that his name was Eniko. What secrets was this little deer hiding? He was quite the mystery with his carefully chosen words and royal mannerisms. Certainly more than enough mystery to keep her interested and keep her standing there while he looked up at the sky for a moment.

She settled on her haunches as well, her tail curling around her as she sat neatly across from him. At his question she gave him a slight smile and a nod. "I do not mind answering your questions... As long as you don't mind me asking questions about you in return." She gave him a grin and chuckled. "I'll let you pass on a question if it's too prying, but I'm just too curious about you. Your mannerisms remind me so much of my grandfather." She shrugged a little, trying not to linger on thoughts of her family too much. "But yes, go ahead. Ask away."

Art by Evelyn