
Step Lightly


06-19-2013, 02:28 AM
He felt the weight of his sudden burden lifted off of him, allowing him to breath again. He scrambled to his paws in time to see the writhing mass attempt to dislodge his attacker, a flash of white in the pale moon. A ghost in the night, tearing with tooth and claw at this foreboding monster. He snarled, his body ached with new pain from the creature, but that wouldn't stop him. He took his chance and slammed into the monster, knocking him to the ground as it stumbled and slipped in the sand. He fastened his teeth into its back leg, and gripped its haunches with his claws. He shook his head from side to side, this beast would pay if it killed Gretel...

The Tawny Lion roared in anger as it scrambled to reach the wolf on his back. His feet slipped out from under him as the male-wolf barreled into him. He used the opportunity to roll towards the shallows, trying to shake off the she-wolf on his back and kick away the male who fastened itself to his leg. He raked at it with his back paw, slicing again and again at it's neck but the thick fur kept snagging. He reached his left paw around his side, attempting to grab the she-wolf in his claws. The waves crashed over them, he was able to keep his head above them, but the other two were unfortunate as his weight fell on the Female. Hansel sputtered as saltwater washed over him, filling his mouth. The foul taste forced him to let go as he inhaled a mouthful of water and salty air. The Lion kicked, slicing him in the chest before he flew farther into the water by some feet.