
Glass Hearts



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-25-2016, 12:13 AM

Ears perked up as a surprised look crossed her face. So, he was finally having a litter? Her tail wagged with excitement, eyes lighting up. She knew he had always wanted pups, and she had promised to bring hers by so he could meet them; but she had yet to get around to it since they lived so far apart. "Oh Creed, that's great news! Congratulations! I know you'll be a great father!" She didn't think to ask about who his mate was, but perhaps it wasn't incredibly important anyway. More than likely it was someone she didn't know anyway. She leaned over and playfully nudged his shoulder, tail thumping in the sand behind them. But when he mentioned her shoulder, her tail slowed and she looked down a bit.

She wasn't ashamed of the scar that would mark her body, nor was she ashamed at all really. She just didn't want to remember the events of that day anymore...but she trusted Creed, and trusted him not to go spilling everything she said to anyone else. "Oh...that's..." She faltered a bit. Where should she begin? How to even start? "I guess I'm doing okay. A little bit better than I was a few days ago but..." She sighed, the smile being replaced by a frown as her tail stopped wagging and instead, curled around her paws as she seemed to almost shiver. Though whether it was from the sea breeze or something else would remain unknown. "Someone trespassed. And it wasn't accidental, but on purpose. Mercy, a former member of Imperium...and one bad egg. I found her and confronted her, and all she did was disrespect me and talk ill of me and my pack. We ended up getting into a fight, and of course, she never fights fair..." She shrugged it off though. She had already lost, and the damage was already done. "I don't know why she decided to show up. Maybe she was bored and thought I would just let her do whatever she wanted, but of course...I didn't. Any alpha or wolf for that matter, would do something if they found someone trespassing wouldn't they?" She at least hoped that her members thought the same way. But when she remembered the confrontation with Lykos, that hope was short lived.

"Except for Lykos..." She muttered. She looked out over the water, wondering whether or not to continue. But Creed was closer to her than anyone else. She wasn't even sure about her own pack members. But the more she thought about whether or not she could trust them anymore was exhausting her. "Evidently, Lykos would rather follow someone like her then be with his own family. He has no loyalty to the pack, or to us. He made himself very clear about that, so I acted as an alpha rather than a mother." Her heart still hurt about that whole situation, but it was done and over with now. She swallowed back the emotion that threatened to choke her, but she fought it. She knew too, that if Creed asked for more insight, she would give it to him. Her explanation probably wasn't clear, but her mind had been so scrambled lately, her words had been coming out that way as well. She knew she just needed to start getting it out along with all the weight and burden she was feeling on her shoulders. And if anyone could help her with that, it was Creed...and of course, Bass. She trusted both of them more than she had trusted anyone, but perhaps it was due to the fact they were both honest and open with her too.


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