
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-19-2013, 03:26 AM

He couldn't take waiting anymore. He would wait no longer. Yes, he had just barely met her the day before, but he already wanted her to become his wife, his mate, his life partner. He couldn't stand the thought of walking away from her tomorrow or tonight, whenever they parted ways, and knowing that he wouldn't be able to call her his], to claim her before the rest of the world. That was unacceptable. She had to become his. She had to know that even though he wasn't sure if he loved her, though he was sure he would reach that point soon enough, that he cared for her so much more than anyone ever could.

A quiet settled over the pair and he could hear his erratic heart-beat inside his chest. Surely if he could hear it, then so could Song. Would she know that something was up? Or would she pass it off as nothing? Of course she would worry; why wouldn't she. He could feel her nuzzle his chin as she lifted her head from his chest, her mismatched eyes looking into his as she bathed him with kisses before speaking, his heart leaping into his throat. Are you feeling alright? He swallowed, forcing the lump that had formed in his throat to go down back down so he could reply. I'm feeling more than alright my little dove, I'm feeling amazing. I...I just have something I wanted to ask you... he trailed off, taking a deep breath through his nose, trying to calm his nerves as he prayed that she would accept to spend the rest of her life with him.

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