
Glass Hearts



9 Years
09-25-2016, 12:43 PM

Worry laced his features for her. He would have happily immersed himself in small talk - conversing about their children. He couldn't focus on himself though when all he could do was stare at her marred shoulder and wonder what exactly had happened for her to earn it. Avalon had never struck him as an overly stupid or reckless wolf. He couldn't believe it had been something she started. While he didn't want to be pushy, he did want to know what had happened. Family was family after all and she was one of the only ones left so he certainly cared for her well being.

An ear flicked as she started to tell him what had happened. She seemed to not know where to start, but he was a patient man. She figured out where to start and he listened as she explained she was doing better than she was a few days ago. She didn't seem to be her old self, not to him at least, but he was curious to know how bad it had been a few days ago. Whatever it was she'd gone through must have been harsh.

His head tilted with surprise as she explained the trespasser and how it had been someone she knew. He'd known that some wolves didn't quite care for pack borders (or know about them) but for someone to just so blatantly cross her borders without a second though - well he didn't understand it. No one had ever done that in Celestial, but he couldn't imagine it'd go over well either.

He didn't interrupt her as she spoke and instead just continued to listen. He'd save all his thoughts for when she was done. The way she explained it though it seemed that the worst bit hadn't even been told yet. He frowned as she explained one of her kids had been more keen on following the trespasser that had maimed her than devoting any loyalty to his own mother. Overall he could now understand why she seemed so upset.

"Ye did wha' ye had ta do." He started off with a sympathetic tone. "It sounds like ye handled the situation with Mercy well. Ye acted as any Alpha should." She didn't need to feel bad. Even if she was walking out of it with scars, she'd staked her claim on a land and she had to defend it. getting away with such a blatant act of disrespect shouldn't have been allowed and in his eyes Avalon handled it well enough. "Does Lykos know this woman?" He asked curiously, trying to dig a little bit more for information. He couldn't help her if he didn't know the full story.

ooc: I know the situation with lykos is a bit fuzzy with Kea gone atm so just have Avalon tell him about Lykos talking to Mercy if you want.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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