
We Are The Lonely Ones



5 Years
09-25-2016, 03:32 PM

He was free!

Despite the fact that his mother had given him permission to leave, a small part of him felt guilty over the whole ordeal. After her fight with Mercy it seemed like something else had changed about her. Then the anger came boiling back like a volcano ready to burst and he reminded himself he had no reason to feel guilty. He didn't hate her guts entirely, but he was less than pleased with her actions since leaving Imperium. Between hanging around with a wolf that demanded high positions because he felt like it and then mating with him, not even telling her first kids about the damn litter, and then trying to force claim someone into a pack because they pissed you off... it wasn't right. Then to top it off she'd come home smelling of two different males which pissed him off even further. What was she doing hanging around other males? Especially when she had Vereux.

His lip curled in disgust at the thought of the man. He hated his guts and he couldn't fathom what his mother saw in him. Vereux was nothing impressive between his failed healer meeting the first time and then laughing joke the second time. He was missing an eye which spoke for his lack of fighting skills and to top it off he just was annoying. Vereux had even tried sucking up to him to get him to like the blue tinted male but Kharn wasn't having it. Not after neither of them told him anything about the second litter of kids his mother had popped out.

Then there was that entire stupid pack in general. His entire outlook on life had been led astray by living there. At first he'd been excited to be a kid of an Alpha, but no longer. He'd expected prompt training sessions, new members to meet, and exciting new things. Instead he'd found nothing but disappointment. All of the embers there seemed to be a fucking joke and half of the pack seemed like it was made up of kids.

He was happy to be away from it all. The only downside was that he already missed Dragon, but it wasn't like he couldn't go back and see him. He had no intentions of doing it soon so instead he'd traveled somewhere else. He'd had yet to leave the north, but he hadn't realized how much he hadn't explored yet. His travels led him to a mountainous area and upon seeing a giant waterfall he climbed up as high as he could go on one of the paths. The view was breathtaking as he came to a halt at the edge of the path. It gave him a great aerial view of the pool that the waterfall led to and the trees looked so tiny compared to his spot. He wasn't even at the top and yet he felt like king of the world.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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