
Step Lightly


06-19-2013, 03:51 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:30 AM by Yin.)

The ivory dame narrowed her eyes, pinning her ears back flat against her head in case the beast she was attacking decided to try and rip a chunk out of her head, which by the looks of things, wasn't completely impossible. This beast was fierce, like nothing she had ever encountered before. This would be one hell of a story to tell her brother when she went back to him. A snarl reached her pinned audits from the direction that Hansel was. Good, her attack on the creature had given him the time to regain his footing once more. Her plan had worked. Not really aware of anything that wasn't the creature beneath her fangs and claws, a sudden slam into its side momentarily disoriented Yin, but she recovered quickly, tightening her death grip on the thing's nape, it's coppery blood filling her mouth. She swallowed it down, the life source leaving a bitter taste in the back of her throat. She wasn't about to raise her head to see where her companion was, but she didn't have to after about a moment. The creature roared in anger and pain and she could only assume that Hansel had taken a bite out of from somewhere. This thing had messed with the wrong pair.

The knock from Hansel had off set the thing's balance, causing it to tumble in the sand. The porcelain dame flattened herself against the animal beneath her, allowing herself to roll with his movements, avoiding a nasty impact with the sand. She could hear it kicking behind her, trying to dislodge what she hoped was Hansel, its left paw reaching around towards its shoulder, trying to snag her. She tried to move out of the way but there really wasn't anywhere that she could go, allowing the creature's razor sharp talons to slide through her right shoulder, sending lightning bolts of pain down her leg. She snarled against its flesh, digging her talons forcefully, deeper into its spine. Ruby liquid oozed from her wounds, winding down her pale legs to dot the animal's tawny hide. And then, the ocean decided to jump into the fight, a wave crashing over the fighting trio. Unfortunate for Yin, she was in the wrong position as the beast fell into the water, its weight dragging her into the dark ocean. She sputtered as water filled her nostrils, releasing the beast's hide as she desperately kicked at its spine, trying to push herself away from it and reach the surface of the water.

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