
Quelt x Bright Moon pups


09-26-2016, 11:36 AM

Name: Rough Boulder Rivers

Gender: Male

Design: #4 (With bright red eyes and a bunny tail)


At 36 inches in height, he's not the biggest creature. Still, he holds himself with the thing that would be seen in a king or a prince. His head held high and proud, his eyes sharp and the tiniest bit challenging towards those who want to. The only thing missing is the dominant way he'd hold his tail....If he had one. He only has a stub of a tail, a contrast to both of his parents. Still, it adds an innocent air to him, even if he may not want such a thing. It will definitely make things a little more difficult for him, that's for sure.

He leans towards his father's appearance more pelt wise, holding his colors for the most part. His base pelt is a medium gray in color. A charcoal gray covers part of his snout and one paw, creating a stocking of sorts on that leg. A much lighter color, one that appears to be more blue gray in color, covers the other three paws. While his charcoal gray leg appears to be a stocking, these do not, going no further up on his leg than a paw.

Finally, his eye color. Bright against the more monochrome colors of his fur, they only add to the fact that he leans more towards his father in appearance. A bright cherry red, with a darker red around the pupil, they're solid and eye catching.

Personality: Subject to change
Born to two less than social wolves will rub off on their child easily, making him possibly worse than his parents. He'll start off not wanting to really interact with other wolves, maybe the only exception of this being his family. If forced into interaction, he'll be less than happy, untrusting of any new faces or wolves not in his immediate family.

Making friends will be hard; he'll not want to become friends unless he is absolutely certain the other wolves will not betray him or hurt him or his family in any way. He may be just as bad as his father, or worse; it will take countless interactions for him to trust another in the slightest bit. As for crowds, he'll hate them, being constantly worried that the other wolves will turn on him or do something.

When one finally gets past the harsh exterior that he puts out, they'll find that he is an interesting wolf, to say the least. To start, he's still never gonna be a talker, preferring to stay silent most of the time, unless something he finds interesting is brought up. If such a thing is brought up, he'll talk for as long as he can, although still being considerate of if another wants to talk.

He'll view those older than him with respect and treat them like gods if they so wish him to. He won't if they do not want him to, but he'll never be the type to talk back or go against their orders. He'll enjoy hearing stories of the past, that being the main thing that interests him.

As for his family and pups, he'll be very protective, putting their well being before his own. He'll have a bit of the temper his father has, but only when protecting those that can't protect themselves.

Rp Sample: His bunny tail waggled in anticipation as he stood near the entrance of the den, waiting, shuffling from one paw to the other, unable to hide his puppy-ish excitement. He couldn't wait to explore everything outside of the den, but he had to wait until his family said it was okay. And watch over his siblings, too; he didn't want them to be in danger. Finally, at the word from his parents, he was gone, darting through the grass as fast as he could, almost blindly.

Finally, he stopped, skidding to a stop and squinting against the bright light that was hurting his eyes. Finally, he saw the dark shapes of his siblings, and a grin spread across his features as he waited for them to grow closer, still squinting against the sunlight. After a few moments, he opened his eyes a little more, relaxing slightly as his eyes got used to the sunlight.

Raising one paw, he pawed at the nearest sibling slightly, struggling to keep his balance while on that paw....And swaying back and forth quite a bit, on the edge of losing his balance until his paw was placed firmly down onto solid ground once more. Now, with the light not bothering his eyes, he could see where he was a lot better. Now....where could he go? There seemed like there was a lot to explore, and he wanted to explore all of it!

Eventually. Right now, it seemed like too much to explore. This was his first time out of the den, after all, and he didn't know what was out there. Maybe danger.Even with all of that possible danger, he still was excited to explore all of it someday.