
literal night



6 Years
09-26-2016, 04:14 PM
Darkness is an infinite container. Gasses will seek to fill the volume of any container they reach, and so here Poser is. He's nothing more than a gas, nothing more than a ghost. The night is dense as he leaves the house, slinking out through one of the cracked windows in the cellar. He'd kept the front doors open today, closing them only at night. It would be best to air the place out, as it had been sitting for so long. He'd been working on making the place a home. It wasn't so different than the power plant, it wasn't so different than the asylum. The thing about it, of course, was the fact it was comfortable. Someone had lived there, someone that was immensely well off. It made him a rich man now. He would inhabit it, and he would gather a family to roam the halls. The place would be alive again shortly, and he would do it justice. He would do the place a world of good. Maybe he already had.

It started with closing off the rooms he couldn't weather proof on his own. Too short or not strong enough to reach some of the windows, and then, the others that had been shattered completely. All in all it rendered one downstairs bathroom and two upstairs bedrooms unusable, but otherwise it was in good shape. The cellar window, too, was in bad shape but they could stuff it when it flooded. Poser didn't quite know who they were going to be, and his mind flickers back to the young man with the pretty eyes. He was a start, but he was young. Poser would find better prey.

Still, he's in a good mood as he nears the garden of the gods. His head is high, and he's looking for something... specific. In passing he pulls a succulent blackberry from a bush, chuckling indulgently as the juice coats his tongue. Such is the virtue of being a dog among wolves, of course. His steps are high and delicate, rummaging carefully through the herbs where they grow. Kava was his quarry, but there was cannabis out here as well. The true prize, but he'd never turn down prime bud. A bright moon draped around his shoulders, leaving the shadow to glimmer nearly blue. Oh how beautiful he feels.

If only he had someone to share it with.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]