
This land is our land



7 Years

09-26-2016, 06:41 PM

He couldn’t help but smile a little when Lark tried to find the right words to explain his thoughts and what was going through his mind. His tail thumped on the ground a few times, and he leaned forward to touch his nose against his forehead. "It’s okay Lark, I don’t think any less of you for not being ready. If you’re ready tomorrow or not at all, I am still always going to be proud of you. You don’t have to be an alpha for me to see just how strong you are," Bass hoped that Lark never felt like he placed his worth on his position in the pack, it wasn’t like that at all. He loved his kids no matter what they did, maybe he wasn’t good enough at showing that. If he needed to reassure them, he would for sure. The alpha never wanted them to feel like they didn’t matter or that he wanted them all to have the highest ranks that Abaven had to offer. He caught the look on Lark’s brown face, and he sighed softly. He knew that he was a proud man, perhaps turning down his offer for a second time was more stinging than he realized. "Like I said, you can take as little or as much time as you need Lark. It doesn’t matter to me what you do with your life," Okay well too an extent, if he was a psycho killer they would have words… "as long as you know that I care for you no matter what, and I will always be here for you."

When he started to talk about how Tinaro felt more like family, he nodded his head slowly. It was true, Tinaro had been around since he was born when Karabela was a newer member. Lark had known him since they both were boys, of course he felt closer to him. "That makes sense. I’m glad to hear that you are here for the long run, Lark. If you want we can call Tinaro here now, or do you want to wait another day? I know that all of this is rather sudden..." He broke off with a huff, he had been dragging his paws long enough and it was time to see Abaven off to a new life. Hopefully a better one. He seemed to start to close off again, and Bass eyed him carefully. "I value your words and your opinions. This is your home as well as mine, I want to make sure that you guys will all be okay with such a large change like this. It’s not something as simple as I would have hoped," Okay so maybe he jumped on board too quickly with Karabela, the idea of being retired had sounded so nice that he jumped at the chance. He was thankful for Lark and glad that he stopped to talk with him, it made him realize that he needed to slow down with this. He had been too hasty in thinking it would be just a simple hand over. Smiling at his son, he looked up at him with his yellow eyes. There was obvious gratitude in their depths, and regardless of how their conversation had gone.

"Talk" "You" Think