
You can't spell slaughter without laughter


06-19-2013, 11:35 AM
A look of disgust was portrayed on Vladimir's face as he looked at the carcass. A growl emitted from his mouth at the woman who told him to try some. This was disgusting! How could they eat one of their own?!?

Sky blue eyes narrowed at the other brute who had ripped off what looked like a limb and placed it a ways in front of him.

With a growl Vlad replied.

"No! How can you eat such a thing?!?! I'm telling you to leave now! You're accomplices in crime have left already. You shouldn't be here still! Leave!" he said while taking another step forward as he started to growl at the brute.

"And I wouldn't eat that if it were the only food in this land! Only a sick bastard such as yourself would eat that! Why don't you go hunt some real play other than your own kind!" he said,finally letting go of his tongue.

Vlad didn't care about keeping his smart ass comments in now. The others had left and there was only one bastard left. Then a dame came in and spoke her mind as well. Sky blue eyes glanced over at her. Hopefully the other male would leave and not harm her or him. By the star, he'd done enough!

Vladimir walked closer over to the girl as he kept his eyes on the other wolf. A long and low growl escaped his lips as they curled back to show his teeth. The boy's muzzle was twisted this way and that as it scrunched up in disgust!