
Shout in the Wind



2 Years
09-27-2016, 01:13 AM

The boy seemed to look for a way to explain the word that he had used, but all that came out after that pause was beautiful. Oh, he thought she was beautiful? A warm flush rushed up to her cheeks and she looked back down at her paws. Oh, that was rather nice compliment. "You pretty too, I like the colour," she muttered. Peeking up, she caught him just in time for him to lock eyes with her. The amount of time that he stared at her made her fur stand on end, and she shrunk back a little bit. His gaze was really intense and a deep sense of dread filled her belly. Her tail tucked up against her belly, and it made her feel like he was challenging her or something. Why was he just staring at her like that? She didn’t like it, at all. It made her feel really uncomfortable. A small whine left her lips before she could swallow it down, which made her feel like she just wanted to disappear.

That was, until Spanish smoothly left his lips. She perked right back up, eying him with wide silver eyes. He listed off a few languages that he spoke, but she was just so happy that she had found someone that spoke her mother tongue. So many emotions had gone through her that she almost felt like crying with relief. "Sí, es un lenguaje muy agradable. Es muy agradable para hablar de nuevo, que ha pasado tanto tiempo..." It had been since she last saw her brother, actually. Her ears pinned once more, and she laid down on the ground and rested her head on her paws. "Estoy perdido y solo," Ashelynn whispered, gazing up at Darrow with sad eyes. How quickly her attitude had changed, so many emotions twirling through the young girl.

"Talk" -- "SPEAK SPANISH" -- Think