
Cause we're worth it

Mercy I


5 Years

09-27-2016, 01:18 AM

He shook his head at her like a tired mother scolding her pup, but she just grinned at him. He said it was good that she had taught her a lesson, and she just laughed. Of course she did, there would be no way in hell that she wouldn’t try to inflict pain on someone who tried to claim her. But everything changed when she changed topics, Mercy knew that he knew her well enough by now. She was sore and desperate for rest, but there was something from stopping her. She had been so good with Kharnage, but now she wanted to be so bad with Gethin. She wanted to forget about their last conversation and just go back to what they were good at. Talking was not their strong suite, but fucking? Mmm, she almost quivered just at the thought of it. Her need for him was like an ache in her chest, and it drove her forward to forget her pain. She wanted more, more bloodshed and even more wounds to be inflicted on her. She had walked away with so little, it was rather disappointing that Avalon couldn’t do much more than scratch her face a few times.

He commented on keeping track of her, which made her growl softly at him. "I’m glad you came, baby," she purred, hearing his teeth rubbing against each other. She knew that his driving point was low right now, both of them were usually quite the little sluts, but she hadn’t been with anyone since their last time. It was an all time record, she was sure. Already the fire in her belly was burning hot, her hackles standing up at the feeling of his fur against her own. He growled and she nearly just turned around right then and there. But no, Mercy was all about drawing it out until she couldn’t take anymore. She pulled back slightly when he said that he wouldn’t be easy to get rid of, her eyes half closing as she drew her teeth slowly down her cheek. "Then show me how much I mean to you," she whispered, longing for his touch. So far it was her all over him, but she wanted his teeth in her skin until their bodies collided into one.


Art by Otackoon

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.