
You must be out your mind



10 Years
09-27-2016, 10:32 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2016, 10:32 AM by Inverno.)

Though he never was the type to have much to say he didn't want to interrupt the conversation that was already at hand, so respectfully he remained quiet. His eyes scanned the herd and he began to lightly dig his front claws into the ground. It would be great if they would have enough wolves to take one of those large creatures down, he had never had one of them before and he imagined that the kill would feed them for a while. Right now it was way to risky, even if this female would join them it would be way to risky for them to attempt one of the large beasts. He was thinking it would be time for him to get a meal again and since Cae seemed to look and feel better maybe the two of them could try their luck at taking a deer down. That could feed them for a day or two at least.

His attention was soon drawn away, ears swiveling back lightly as Cae nudged him a slight smirk forming on his face as his eyes drew to look at her then over to the other female. Cae was kind enough to introduce him giving an entrance into their conversation so that he felt he would be able to speak now without being rude. His eyes looked to the other female as she greeted him and he respectfully dipped his head to her.

"Nice to meet you to," he agreed, his deep voice matching his more taller body.

Though the introduction Cae gave was short and he felt it was a proper label for now. No longer a pack you couldn't really say they were pack mates without explaining their past together. They were simply friends traveling and surviving together. In fact he had felt they had been getting a bit closer now then they had been when the pack was together. He was able to have a one on one time with her now unlike before and neither of them were busy like that had been. He had found it somewhat relaxing, but still struggled with what purpose he had now without pack duties. He listened to Cae question finding it sparked a bit of curiosity in him. How big was this land, how many packs resided in it, and how many other wolves were there? They hadn't come in contact with any over the winter and so far yet this year, but that didn't mean that they were the only ones. One towards the west and this female was planning to make a pack of her own, so at least two. The male nodded.

"How many more packs are there to your knowledge," he asked.

Talking & Thinking
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]