
Matter of Fact



2 Years
09-27-2016, 11:49 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2016, 11:18 AM by Reina.)

The trek felt harder than she assumed, but her mouth remained shut, and her eyes gazed forward. Long slender legs carried her up the slope, and dirt clung to her paws; her head raised, nose pointed to the sky to inhale deeply. The air was different than on the lower grounds, the higher she travels, the more of a difference she would begin to notice. It was the rocky terrain that made the walk more troublesome for her liking, every stone pressing firmly against her pads and the earth could give away underneath her. It was not the smoothest travel she had gone through, but it is not something she would complain about.

The rouge was far from home. No longer was she surrounded by a family-run tribe that she once adored. It was the strange taste of the air and puzzled look in her eyes she cast around in a new surrounding. But did she miss her home? Of course not. To hell with all of those bastards who murdered her mother and father. Her lips twitched, a growl slowly forming within her throat, anger began to bubble at the thought of the tribe.

“Don’t let them get to you.” Her thought echoed in her mind, calming herself and finally releasing a sigh.

Her head lowered to the ground, pale nose sniffing at the pebbles and dirt that laid before her. There was nothing of use to her in this area. Her limbs pushed forward a few steps, head turning from side to side looking for something.  The large female paused and raised her head; her golden orbs peered forward as she shifted her posture. It was her will to search for a purpose that brought her here. Wherever the wind blew, she would follow in hopes of searching for a purpose in her life. It the wind brought her to this rocky terrain, then surely something or someone will make themselves known to her.

original code by merci; code editing by sheeplet; image by StarShadowist